Monday, September 12, 2016

Maker Expo Recap!

We had an absolute blast at Maker Expo in Kitchener on Saturday!

With more bots and more fights then last year the crowds were constant and the battles took all day to get through!

150lb SUMO
Crusher 2.0 vs Tankenstein

The early morning crowd

Big thanks to our mayors for once again taking part in the massive 3 way Mayoral BotBrawl!
Mayor Berry Vrbanovic of Kitchener
Mayor Dave Jaworsky of Waterloo
Counsellor Jan Liggett of Cambridge

The Mayoral Bot Brawl!

Thanks to Maker Expo's installation program where they provided funds to special exhibitors. Being part of this program we were able to build a fleet of small balloon popping robots. These little balloon poppers were extremely popular with the kids.  We plan to make this a bigger part of the event next year now that its a proven concept. Details on that down the road but we plan to encourage kids to build little balloon poppers and bring them to the event! Join our mailing list for updates, when ever we publish a blog post you'll be notified (don't worry its not that often). 

New Feature!

Tiny Balloon Bots

Its now time to congratulate our winners! 

30lb robots:
1st place - RALPH
2nd place - Nothing Special
3rd place - Gigarange

150lb robots:
1st place - Hodor
2nd place - SARS
3rd place - Tankenstein

Thanks to everyone who joined us this weekend!

Check out the battles here!

Gigarange vs No Expecations

Tankenstein vs Knuckle Sandwich

Ralph vs Nothing Special

Crusher 2.0 vs Tankenstein

Crusher 2.0 vs Tankenstein

Our arena for the day

Gigarange vs Dispatchula

Knuckle Sandwich vs Tankenstein

Lycan - Battlebot :-0

Ralph vs Nothing Special

Crusher 2.0 load in

Crusher 2.0 vs 4LOW

Mule 2.0

SARS vs Hodor

Gigarange vs No Expectations

Crusher 2.0 vs 4LOW

Ralph vs Dispatchula

Lycan - Battlebot

No Expectations load in

Photo's by Richard Walsh of

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

T-Minus 12 Days!

MakerExpo is 12 days away meaning there's only 12 days until its robot fighting time once again.

Like last year our honoured guests Mayor Dave Jaworsky (Waterloo), Mayor Berry Vrbanovic (Kitchener) and Councillor Jan Liggett (Cambridge) will join us at 2:30pm for a massive 3-way robot brawl!
Left to Right
Mayor Vrbanovic, Councillor Wolf, Mayor Jaworsky

More over we’ve allied with TV’s battlebots team All Black Robotics to build a fleet of balloon popping mini-bots for kids! Kids in the audience will have an opportunity to take part in the robotic fun.


There is still time to register your robot for Event #3 on September 10th. If you aren'y ready to be a competitor we hope you'll join us in the audience for this 100% free event.

How do I register? 
Registration will open August 1st 2016 and closes September 6th 2016
Spots are limited so register early using our online registration form!

*Registration fee required prior to event (payment through Eventbrite)
You can register now and pay later.

-$25.00CND for 150lb robots
-$15.00CND for 30lb robots
*Eventbrite fees apply
All event fees are folded back into the event, for building the arena, renting equipment, prizes etc.

Due to space restrictions only two competitors per robot are allowed in the pits. Competitors will be given ID badges, required to access the pit area. Additional passes may be offered on a case by case basis.
Email: for details and requests.

To register please fill out an event registration form and use Eventbrite to pay registration fees. Using the same email for both will help us organize. Furthermore please print out and bring the Eventbrite ticket with you to the event.

Event Rules
Event Registration
Event Payment
*please use the same email as event registration for fee payment.

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Monday, August 22, 2016

Build Session!

In preparation for Bot Brawl Event #3 at Maker Expo on September 10th we are hosting a builders night at Kitchener Makerspace Kwartzlab!

Join us on August 27th 2016 at 33 Kent ave in Kitchener Ontario! All potential builders welcome. Bring your robots and tune it up in Kwartzlabs workshop, talk shop with fellow builders or get a bit of help where you need it most.

Doors open to all Bot Brawl builders at 6pm!

There is still time to register your bot for our next event! Check out our previous post for details.

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Monday, August 1, 2016

Event #3 registration is live!!

Hello robot builders!

Registration for BotBrawl event #3 at MakerExpo is open now! This years event is on September 10th 2016 at Kitchener City Hall.

Join us on September 10th for some robotic mayhem!!

Once again we are hosting 30lb and 150lb sumo robots, each custom built robot will face off in our 10ft circular arena! Anyone can build and compete, there are a number of intro and how-to's featured on this very blog.

Here's the big news!

Thanks to MakerExpo we are able to introduce a new class of robot this year!!!!

Introducing the MINI BOTS!! These little guys are designed specifically for kids and tasked with the mission of balloon popping. Each robot has two balloons on the back and 2 balloon popping spikes on the front!

We'll have a handful of premade robots ready at Maker Expo this year for kids the in audience to drive around! If its successful and there's a demand we may open this up next year so any kid can compete with a balloon popping robot!

*There is no registration needed for balloon popping robots this year

How do I register? 
Registration will open August 1st 2016 and closes September 1st 2016
Spots are limited so register early using our online registration form!

*Registration fee required prior to event (payment through Eventbrite)
You can register now and pay later.

-$25.00CND for 150lb robots
-$15.00CND for 30lb robots
*Eventbrite fees apply
All event fees are folded back into the event, for building the arena, renting equipment, prizes etc.

Due to space restrictions only two competitors per robot are allowed in the pits. Competitors will be given ID badges, required to access the pit area. Additional passes may be offered on a case by case basis.
Email: for details and requests.

To register please fill out an event registration form and use Eventbrite to pay registration fees. Using the same email for both will help us organize. Furthermore please print out and bring the Eventbrite ticket with you to the event.

Event Rules
Event Registration
Event Payment
*please use the same email as event registration for fee payment.

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Just over 9 weeks until Event #3!

We're counting down, just over 9 weeks left until the robots descend on Maker Expo at Kitchener City Hall on September 10th! 

Event #3 will feature our new upgraded 10ft diameter arena with 30lb and 150lb robots!

If you plan to compete on September 10th at Maker Expo its time to get building. We've put together a comprehensive list of components and how-to's.

Check out these posts

Lets not forget that these robots can be built from almost anything, from steel to plywood it all comes down how inventive a builder you are. Of course we recommend giving yourself as much time as possible to complete your build. Even for the most experienced builders it ALWAYS takes longer then you expect.

Don't forget to review the rules while designing your robot

If you and your team have questions please shoot us an email!

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Monday, June 20, 2016

Event #2 Results

Bot Brawl Event #2 is at a close!
Thank you to all our competitors and everyone in Cambridge for showing up!
Thanks to Cambridge Arts Festival for hosting us.

Our winners this weekend

30lb robots: 
First - Ralph
Second - Gigarange
Third - Lugtread

150lb robots:
First - SARS
Second - Hold The Door
Third - 4Low

Best Driver:
Hold The Door

 Coolest Robot:

Here are a few pictures from this weekends event!
Our next event is on September 10th at Maker Expo in Kitchener Ontario.
Registration opens on August 1st 2016.

If your interested in building your own robot please review our rules and the many of instructions on this website.

Big thanks to Operandi for sponsoring the BotBrawl area this year!

150lb Knuckle Sandwich

150lb Crusher

30lb Gigarange

150lb SARS + Bricks for weight

30lb Gloomy fiberglass shell

150lb Mule repairs under way (yes its gas powered) 

30lb Ralph

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Event 2 is fast approaching!

Clear your calendar, fuel up your car and drive down to Cambridge Ontario this Saturday! We are hosting a 15 robot brawl as part of Cambridge Arts Festival! Event #2 marks new teams, new robots and a new arena!

Thats 10am-6pm at Cambridge City Hall
50 Dickson St, Cambridge

We've upgrade the arena from an 8ft circular area to a massive 10ft arena! This will give the big 150lb bots a lot more room to smash, bash and fight.

Shout out to Dalton of Massacre Robotics and Jason of Team Terror for upgrading our arena!

If your interested in building your own robot and competing at BotBrawl then check the rest of this blog for how-to's and instructional. Our next event is on September 10th 2016 at Maker Expo in Kitchener.

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Registration for Event #2 is at a close!

Big thanks to the teams who registered for Event #2 at Cambridge Arts Festival on June 18th!

If you weren't able to build a robot this time around then join us for the grand brawl right in front of Cambridge city hall starting at 10am!

Here are our competitors for Event #2;

Robot Weight ClassRobot NameTeam Name
Hobby Class Sumo (30 LB)LugtreadMassacre Robotics
Hobby Class Sumo (30 LB)R-B-ONEScholars
Hobby Class Sumo (30 LB)RalphRoboFreaks
Hobby Class Sumo (30 LB)GigarangeRobot Mafia Robotics
Hobby Class Sumo (30 LB)GloomyTerror
Hobby Class Sumo (30 LB)RedemptionWild Card Robots
Clever Class Sumo (150 LB)TankensteinOrbital Spin
Clever Class Sumo (150 LB)Public enemy Robot Mafia Robotics
Clever Class Sumo (150 LB)MuleTerror
Clever Class Sumo (150 LB)Hold The DoorBeaverworX
Clever Class Sumo (150 LB)4 LowProjects Addicts Anonymous
Clever Class Sumo (150 LB)Grand River ExpressGenesis
Clever Class Sumo (150 LB)HelenwheelsBeta
Clever Class Sumo (150 LB)AlphadogAlpha
Clever Class Sumo (150 LB)SARSMassacre Robotics

Event # 3 takes place on September 18th so start building now!

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Monday, May 9, 2016

Rules and Regulations Update!

Based on feedback from Event #1 at Maker Expo we've updated our rules and regulations.

Here's what we've changed.

-Arena is now 10ft in diameter
-Banned weapons: Excessive Audio Equipment (Truck horns, buzzers, etc)
                               Anything which might drown out the announcer
-Administration details

Regarding the banned weapons; audio equipment. Excessively noisy robots (ICE or otherwise) will be banned from competition. If the announcer/referee/safety officer cannot speak over the robot without amplification then it presents a safety risk and will thus be barred from competing. If however you want to have a playful car horn or have your robot sing a little tune then thats is fine just keep the volume reasonable please.

Feel free to review the updated rules here.

If you have any questions regarding the rules or competition feel free to contact us using the contact form to the right. 

Don't forget to register for Event #2 on June 18th or prep for Event #3 on September 10th!

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Monday, April 11, 2016

Bot Brawl #2 registration is open!

Hello roboteters!

Sorry to make you wait, I've been working on a new project and have gotten a bit side tracked. An all Canadian team headed by Bot Brawls' own Ravi Baboolal has been busy building a 250lb monster robot for ABC's Battlebots! See the full on combat fights on ABC this summer!

With that over we are proud to announce registration for Bot Brawl event #2 is now OPEN!

The competition will take place on June 18th in Cambridge Ontario at part of the Cambridge Arts Festival.

How do I register? 
Registration will open April 11st 2016 and close June 1st 2016
Spots are limited so register early using our online registration form!

*Registration fee required prior to event (payment through Eventbrite)
You can register now and pay later.

-$25.00CND for 150lb robots
-$15.00CND for 30lb robots
*Eventbrite fees apply
All event fees are folded back into the event, for building the arena, renting equipment, prizes etc.

Due to space restrictions only two competitors per robot are allowed in the pits. Competitors will be given ID badges, required to access the pit area. Additional passes may be offered on a case by case basis.
Email: for details and requests.

To register please fill out an event registration form and use Eventbrite to pay registration fees. Using the same email for both will help us organize. Furthermore please print out and bring the Eventbrite ticket with you to the event.

Event Rules
Event Registration *opens April 11st 2016
Event Payment *opens April 11st 2016
*please use the same email as event registration for fee payment.
Event Forums
Our forums are being populated with tips and tricks for building sumo robots.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Maker Expo 2016!

The good ladies and gentlemen of Maker Expo are at it again!

Maker Expo 2016 is a go for September 10th and you better believe Bot Brawl will be there!

With Cambridge Arts Festival on June 18th 2016 and Maker Expo on Sept 18th 2016 thats our two promised events this year!


Get those bots ready, if your building something new we've populated this very website with lots of tips and tricks to get you from zero to hero.

Registration for Bot Brawl Event #2 at Cambridge Arts Fest opens April 1st!

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Monday, January 11, 2016

Bot Brawl - Event #2 @ Cambridge Arts Fest!

We are proud to announce Bot Brawl Event #2!

Partnering with the excellent Cambridge Arts Festival we will bring robotic carnage
to downtown Cambridge, Ontario on June 18th, 2016!

In 2016 CAF saw over 5000 visitors and brought art and maker culture to Cambridge.
We were there promoting Bot Brawl and Maker Expo, now we are please to bring the carnage!

Prepare your 150lb and 30lb sumo robots for battle!

For information on how to build a killer robot see the number of instructional elsewhere on this page!

Event Details:

Date: Saturday June 18th 2016
Location: Cambridge City Hall - 50 Dickson Street Cambridge ON

How do I register? 
Registration will open April 1st 2016 and close June 1st 2016
Spots are limited so register early using our online registration form!

*Registration fee required prior to event (payment through Eventbrite)
You can register now and pay later.

-$25.00CND for 150lb robots
-$15.00CND for 30lb robots
*Eventbrite fees apply
All event fees are folded back into the event, for building the arena, renting equipment, prizes etc.

Due to space restrictions only two competitors per robot are allowed. Competitors will be given ID badges, required to access the pit area. Additional passes may be offered on a case by case basis.
Email: for details and requests.

To register please fill out an event registration form and use Eventbrite to pay registration fees. Using the same email for both will help us organize. Furthermore please print out and bring the Eventbrite ticket with you to the event.

Event Rules
Event Registration *opens April 1st 2016
Event Payment *opens April 1st 2016
*please use the same email as event registration for fee payment.
Event Forums
Our forums are being populated with tips and tricks for building sumo robots.

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl