Tuesday, May 23, 2017

BotBrawl Event# 4 Registration is open!!

Event #4 takes place as part of Toronto's Maker Festival on July 8th - 9th. The main tournament will take place across both days along with demo's, talks and lots of robot battles!
Hello robot builders!

Join us for some robotic carnage on July 8th and July 9th!

Once again we are hosting 30lb and 150lb sumo robots, each custom built robot will face off in our 10ft circular arena! Anyone can build and compete, there are a number of intro and how-to's featured on this very blog.

How do I register? 
Registration will open May 24th 2017 and close June 26th 2017.
Spots are limited so register early!

1: Register your robot and team
2: Cover your teams registration fee's
3: Get Building!

Registration Fee's
-$40.00CND for 150lb robots
-$20.00CND for 30lb robots
*Eventbrite fees apply
All event fees are folded back into the event, for building the arena, renting equipment, prizes etc.

Competitors will be given ID badges, required to access the pit area. Passes are made according to your registration info (Competitor Names).
Email: gcbotbrawl@gmail.com with questions

To register please fill out an event registration form and use Eventbrite to pay registration fees. Using the same email for both will help us organize. Furthermore please print out and bring the Eventbrite ticket with you to the event.

Event Rules
Event Registration
Event Payment
*please use the same email as event registration for fee payment.

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl

Thursday, May 18, 2017

BotBrawl Event #4 July 8/9th 2017!

Attention all builders!

Its time once again to prep your robots for battle because this summer BotBrawl returns!

We are honored to be hosted by Toronto's excellent Maker Festival on July 8th and 9th!

Details to follow as we wake up the organizing team.

Thinking about building a robot? Check out our event rules here
Event Rules

Tweet us @GC_BotBrawl
Join us on Facebook @ BotBrawl